517: Ashlyn Pope on integrating woven elements into ceramics

Ashlyn Pope is a ceramic and fiber artist of Gullah descent who describes her work as representing “restriction and limitation of the Black body throughout American history, and the hope and vision to realize a different future.” In our interview we talk about integrating woven elements into ceramic vessels, educating through art, and her recent fiber portraits of afrofuturist queens. Ashlyn is an Assistant Professor, and Associate Director of the Joyner Institute for Gullah and African Diaspora Studies at Coastal Carolina University. ashlynpope.com Stream this episode in your browser.

The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art www.Rosenfieldcollection.com

Cornell Studio Supply www.cornellstudiosupply.com

Bray Clay www.archiebrayclay.com

Ben Carter

Ben Carter is a ceramic professional based in Howell, NJ. He maintains a studio, teaches workshops and exhibits nationally. He is the creator and host of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast. www.carterpottery.com.


518: John Born on improvising within a vocabulary of form


516: Rhonda Willers on embracing creative growth