513: Kathleen Clark on The White House China

Kathleen Clark is an award-winning photographer, whose career includes numerous exhibitions and serving as Photo Director for Los Angeles magazine and LA Weekly. Her series The White House China, depicts historical events from each American president presented on their formal state dinnerware. In our interview we talk about her inclusion in The Girl Artists of Portland, a performance art group active in the 1980s, her work in photo journalism, and her practice of using ceramics as a staging ground for political commentary. www.kathleenclarkphoto.com. Stream the episode in your browser.

Today’s episode is brought to you by the following sponsors:

Cornell Studio Supply  www.cornellstudiosupply.com

The Rosenfield Collection of Functional Ceramic Art www.Rosenfieldcollection.com

Bray Poxy www.archiebrayclay.com

Ben Carter

Ben Carter is a ceramic professional based in Howell, NJ. He maintains a studio, teaches workshops and exhibits nationally. He is the creator and host of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast. www.carterpottery.com.


514: Lisa Orr on developing psychedelic low-fire glazes


512: Fund Drive: Live from NCECA with Lisa Giuliani and Brian Kakas