366: Wendy Gers on curatorial activism
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with curator and scholar Wendy Gers. She has curated numerous international exhibitions including the First Central China International Ceramics Biennale in 2016 and the Taiwan Ceramics Biennale in 2014. In our interview we talk about the dynamics of curating, the award-winning exhibition Post Colonialism?, and how ceramic studios might join the Green movement by applying best practices for environmental management. To see examples of her curation visit www.wendygers.org.
Post Colonialism? documentary- Directed & produced by Yael Gur, 2017 for the Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Wendy Gers
Pictured above: Ayelet Zohar’s architectural wrapping Villa in the Jungle. Danijela Pivašević-Tenner’s installation Things you see from there, you don’t see from here. Rock Wang’s sculpture U Need Code. Jonathan Hopp vessels. Participating artist being filmed for a documentary by Yael Gur. Photographer: Zamir Nega. Images courtesy Benyamini Contemporary Center.
On today’s Amaco Community Corkboard we have Savannah Clay Community’s SIP cup show. Artists are invited to submit up to three drinking vessels to be juried by Renee Lopresti for their annual cup show. This year’s exhibition is taking place all-online and the deadline for submissions is midnight EST on March 31st, 2021. For more information visit www.savannahclaycommunity.com.
I want to give a shout out to KC Clay Guild for sponsoring this episode of the podcast. KC Clay Guild has been supporting ceramic artists and providing a space to explore clay in Kansas City, Missouri since 1988. The guild is accepting applications for their Artist-in-Residence Program until April 15th. This program is open to anyone who is looking to jump start their ceramics career. The guild has been upgrading their already well-equipped studio and will be adding a new Blaauw Gas kiln in 2021. Benefits include a private studio space, free firing, opportunities to teach, and an annual stipend. Check out www.kcclayguild.org/AIR to learn more.