344: Lindsay Montgomery on the subversive nature of her Maiolica ceramics

Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Lindsay Montgomery. Her Italian inspired maiolica ceramics function as narrative paintings highlighting the social ills of our time including topics of environmental degradation, the patriarchy, and wealth inequality. Drawing from ceramics and paintings of the early Renaissance she often uses demonic figures and hellscapes to create a sense of impending doom. In our interview we talk about her love of the dark side of the Renaissance imagery, understanding the power dynamic of historical influences, and the role Walter Ostrom played in shaping her path in the arts. To see examples of her work visit www.lindsaymontgomery.ca.  

To listen to this episode click here.


On today’s Amaco Community Corkboard we have the 4th annual Hudson Valley Pottery Tour. The online tour features fourteen artists who will be selling a variety of functional and sculptural studio ceramics October 17th and 18th. Work can be purchased through each artist’s online shop and virtual time slots are available for one-on-one shopping experiences. For more information visit www.hudsonvalleypotterytour.com.

Ben Carter

Ben Carter is a ceramic professional based in Howell, NJ. He maintains a studio, teaches workshops and exhibits nationally. He is the creator and host of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast. www.carterpottery.com.


345: Audra Doughty on adapting community-based education to the COVID era


343: Celebrate Clay Week 2020 with Walter Ostrom on the conceptual potential of pottery