325: Spring Fund Drive: Tim Kowalczyk on his trompe l'oeil ceramics

Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Tim Kowalczyk. His trompe l’oeil ceramic vessels mimic cardboard, Styrofoam, and other normally disposable industrial materials. In our interview we talk about the building process for making trompe l’oeil objects, the symbiotic benefits of being loyal to a gallery, and his web series “Critiquing with Kids.” To find out more about Tim visit www.timsceramics.com.

To listen to this episode click here.

On today’s AMACO Community Corkboard we have the History of Ceramics Instagram feed. If you need a break from politics and the pandemic you can fill your feed with photographs of ceramic vessels and sculptures from global history. Images are tagged with links to the Metropolitan Museum, Sotheby’s, or other institutions to help you research your favorite genres of historical pottery and sculpture. To join in follow @historyofceramics on Instagram.

Hey Red Clay Rambler fans, we have embarked on our ninth season of the show and to celebrate we are having a spring fund drive. Since the quarantine started, I’ve gotten emails of support about how the podcast helps listeners feel connected to the friends they can’t physically be around. The podcast continues to be a great way to connect with other artists from the comfort and safety of your own home studio. You can support the show with a donation through the Pay Pal donation portal at www.talesofaredclayrambler.com/donate or by making a monthly pledge at patreon.com/redclayrambler. If you join Patreon today you can access perks like t-shirts, water bottles and other podcast swag, as well as having access to the Patreon exclusive Tales from the Vault podcast, which features remastered episodes that are no longer available on major podcast apps. Your donation or pledge will help me reach the goal of raising $3000 for this fund drive. Thanks for listening and stay safe out there.

Ben Carter

Ben Carter is a ceramic professional based in Howell, NJ. He maintains a studio, teaches workshops and exhibits nationally. He is the creator and host of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast. www.carterpottery.com.


326: Spring Fund Drive: Andrei Taraschuk on the beautiful world of Art Bots


324: Spring Fund Drive: Resources for artists in the COVID era with Carrie Cleveland from Cerf+