313: Daniel Dallabrida on the intersection of grief, perseverance, and creativity
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with Daniel Dallabrida. After a long career in public relations Dallabrida turned to art as a form of visual storytelling, narrating the opinions he could not express in the corporate world. He draws from his experience living through the AIDS crisis to create video, installations, and sculpture that illustrate the effect the disease had on San Francisco’s gay community. In our interview we talk about AIDS-related Multiple Loss Syndrome, blending Greek myths with personal experience to create narratives, and reclaiming LGBTQ slurs through art making. To see examples of his work visit www.dallabrida.com.
In our interview we talk about Daniel’s installation Damage is Done and the subsequent video The Violation of Themis.
For today’s AMACO Community Corkboard we have Clay for Australia, a global fundraising project aimed at assisting those directly impacted by the Australian Bushfires. Conceived by ceramic artist, Vipoo Srivilasa, this online event will run until the 31st of January. You can find out more about purchasing artwork on the Clay for Australia facebook page or on Instagram by following @clayforaustralia. For a comprehensive list of artists affected by the fires visit www.australianceramics.com.
I want to give a shout out to KC Clay Guild for sponsoring the podcast. KC Clay Guild has been supporting ceramic artists and providing a space to explore clay in Kansas City, Missouri since 1988. KC Clay Guild is accepting applications for their Artist-in-Residence Program until April 15th. This program is open to anyone who is looking to jump start their ceramics career. Benefits include a private studio space, free firing, opportunities to teach, and an annual stipend. Check out www.kcclayguild.org/AIR to learn more.
The Tales of the Red Clay Rambler is made possible in part by STARworks, host of the 2020 WoodFire NC International Conference. The conference will kick off May 21st with two pre-conference events happening simultaneously in Asheville and Seagrove, where visiting artists will load and fire a variety of wood firing kilns. The main conference runs from May 28th to May 31st , 2020 at STARworks in Star, NC and features artists from around the world discussing the future of wood fired ceramics. For more information please visit www.WoodFireNC.com.