Adam Field on using social media to build community
This week on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have an interview with potter Adam Field. Based in Durango, CO Adam produces a wide variety of functional ceramics ranging from intricately carved porcelain forms to massive Korean Onggi jars. He says of the work, "I am fascinated with antique artifacts, the way they can speak of mastery of lost peoples, places, and cultures. This inspires me to create works that both radiate history and capture my own place and time."
In the interview we talk about developing a market for your work, using social media to build community, and the year he spent apprenticing in a traditional Korea pottery. In addition to his clay work Adam is an accomplished videographer and photographer. You can find his images and videos on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. For more information on Adam please visit
It has been a pleasure to watch Adam make Onggi jars this summer. He uses a coil and paddle technique to shape the jars on a Korean style kick wheel. I am amazed at the fluidity he has in making such a large form.
Click here to watch a time lapse video of Adam making a jar at the Ohbuja Onggi studio in Korea.